Sites by Category:
- FECinfo Database of federal campaign spending and contributions
- a site from the Center for Responsive Politics. Contains several databases, including contributions to candidates, soft money contributions, PAC activity and some state-level information
- Follow the Money a site from the National Institute on Money in State Politics. Includes a campaign-finance database
- Wisconsin Democracy Campaign The Wisconsin Democracy Campaign is a nonpartisan coalition that tracks money in politics and advocates for campaign finance reform. The site features features a database of more than 120,000 records of individual and PAC contributions to candidates for state office since 1990
- Ratifiers for Democracy Organization to introduce a level``of public mandate that would ``end the need for campaign finance reform, and put the people in place of the money in the legislation equation
- Researching Your Politicians -- Campaign Contributions and Voting Records Links to a broad range of campaign contribution and voting record research sites on the web
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