Sites by Category:
- NFIB Online National Federation of Independent Businesses
- Manufacturing Central -- National Association of Manufacturers On-line The nation's oldest and largest broad-based industrial trade association, representing 14,000 companies
- Note This section is for trade associations that span industries and topic areas. Most trade associations will be found in the proper Issues category
- National Restaurant Association Site details the position of the U.S. restaurant industry on federal legislative, regulatory and legal issues
- U.S. Council for International Business Advances global interests of American business both at home and abroad. It is the``American affiliate of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Business and Industry Advisory Committee (BIAC) to the OECD,``and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
- BIPAC (The Business-Industry Political Action Committee of America) Works to elect pro-business candidates to Congress, carries out programs of political analysis, research, and communication on campaigns and elections, and fosters business participation in the political process
- The Food Institute Online Non-profit food industry association providing info on related economic trends, food safety and market data
- American Iron and Steel Institute Composed of steel producer companies and associates, representing over two-thirds of the steel produced in North America
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