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For Immediate Release
May 3, 1999

New Search Engine Targets Policy and Political Web Sites

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Washington, D.C. (May 3, 1999) -- Journalists, political professionals, and citizens lost in the maze of political web sites have a new beacon to guide them in their search for useful information about politics and policy on the web.

The new web site, Political Information (.com), which can be found at www.politicalinformation.com, is the first to use a powerful search tool devoted to a carefully selected group of news, commentary, policy, and political web pages.

A search for a key topic on Political Information (.com), such as "election 2000," "tax reform" or "gun control," yields immediate, high-quality information without the unrelated links and outdated pages that plague results on traditional search engines.

"With the Internet as important as it is in the upcoming election cycle," said Michael Biundo of Atlantic Strategies Group, a New Hampshire-based political consulting firm, "this web site is an essential first stop in gathering information on any political topic. I bookmarked it immediately."

"Political Information (.com) is unlike any research tool on the Internet -- it searches for web pages like a traditional search engine, but it is targeted to a carefully defined niche -- politics," said Pat Delany, the company's president. Delany pointed out that having such tight targeting allows the search engine's index to be updated frequently and allows the search engine to collect entire sites, rather than the few pages of each site indexed by most search engines. He said that the company's staff had spent months collecting and refining the list of thousands of web sites searched by the site.

Along with Campaigns and Elections magazine, Political Information (.com) will be a sponsor of the upcoming Internet video broadcast of the Initiative & Referendum Institute's May 7-8 Conference in Washington, "A Century of Citizen Lawmaking." The company is also joining D.C. Orbit (www.dcorbit.net), an Internet network of non-partisan political and policy web sites.

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