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For Immediate Release
October 26, 1999

Search the Latest Political News through Political Information (.com)

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Washington, D.C. (October 26, 1999) - Need to stay on top of breaking political news? Thanks to a new feature on Political Information (.com), a search engine for politics and policy, now journalists, political professionals and political junkies have the unprecedented ability to scour the contents of the latest news stories from dozens of sources at once using a single website.

The political news search, available at http://www.politicalinformation.com, indexes stories from the political sections of news sources including The Washington Post, CNN, ABC News, The Washington Times, the Associated Press, Roll Call and the Drudge Report. Journalists and others can use the search feature to find key words and topics, such as political issues or candidates' names, in these news stories just as they would search the entire web through a typical search engine like Infoseek, AltaVista, Excite, Yahoo or Hotbot.

"Using our site, you can go beyond the headlines into the actual meat of articles from many sources at once - and we update the index every two hours to get the latest stories," said Pat Delany, president of Political Information (.com). "The ability to search content rather than just headlines places our political news search far and above any other news collection on the web."

Delany pointed out that political staff, lobbyists, consultants, journalists and political activists could use the news search to keep track of any mention of an officeholder, candidate, client or issue in the latest news.

Other websites are free to download the code to send users to the search results on Political Information (.com), and Delany said that the company is negotiating with other sites to provide custom versions of its search features.

The political news search supplements Political Information (.com)'s existing comprehensive search of over 5000 policy and political sites on the web, news headlines, links to over 1300 sites organized by category, and other features.

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