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For Immediate Release
January 13, 2000

Political Search Engine Announces Licensing Arrangements with GoVote.com, 2000GOP.com

For more news from Political Information (.com), please go to our main Press Room page.
Washington, D.C. (January 13, 2000) - Political Information (.com), a search engine for politics, policy and political news, announced today that it has licensed its targeted political/policy and news search functions to two prominent political websites.

Readers of GoVote.com and 2000GOP.com can now access Political Information (.com)'s comprehensive indexes of over 5000 political and policy web sites and the latest political news using the two sites as gateways. The searches function like those on general search engines (such as Yahoo, Hotbot or Infoseek) but focus on a single niche, politics and policy, to generate much higher quality results.

Under the licensing arrangement, GoVote.com and 2000GOP.com use the search engine's extensive databases but with search pages and search results pages that fit seamlessly into their own layout and navigation structures. In return, Political Information (.com) receives an opportunity for co-branding and a share of advertising revenue.

"It's a great addition to the quality features we've assembled on our site," said Paul Hrabal, founder of GoVote.com, who was profiled in a January 10, 2000, New York Times article on new political websites. GoVote bills itself as "America's Political Portal" and provides an extensive overview of American politics.

2000GOP.com's Erik Hromadka points out that the search engine lets readers find more about a political or policy topic after they've read an article on his site leaving for a general search engine. "They can stay on our site and still search the political web," he said. 2000GOP.com provides coverage of the top Republican campaigns and 2000 Republican National Convention.

Political Information (.com) has other licensing arrangements in the works, says company president Pat Delany. "Why compete with quality sites like GoVote and 2000GOP? We'd rather work with them and other political sites to help them build readership." He said that the company has also built non-political niche search engines, such as the oil and gas industry web search on Rigmatch.com.

The two political search features are still available on Political Information (.com)'s own site, www.politicalinformation.com, along with over 1650 political links, news headlines, a newsletter and more.

For information about licensing the searches, please contact editor@politicalinformation.com.

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