Sites by Category:
- Internet Party
- Private Solutions Promotes private solutions to public problems without government subsidy or sponsorship.
- Knowledge = Freedom Complete information and book detailing how America came to be in the state it is in.
- David D. Friedman's Home Page Website of an anarchist-anachronist-economist and professor of law at Santa Clara University. Contains links to his writing, including portions of his book, Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life
- Seedplanter, Simple Bible Studies
- Leonard Peltier & AIM Information Each February 6th marks another anniversary of incarceration for Leonard Peltier. Help Us To Secure Justice For An Innocent Man!
- Thoughts, Ramblings and Observations Considers why freedom works and the force and violence of government doesn't. Frequent columns
- Electronic Gay Community Magazine The world's longest running online publication for the gay community
- Bryan Caplan Homepage Resources on libertarianism,``Communist atrocities, economics, anarchism, and more
- Voices Of America
- The TipSmith Pages Libertarian issues, facts, commentary, opinion, quotations, and links. Smoking research and commentary
- Bob Mondgock, AKA Senator Bob A New Jersey resident's story of his struggle with the state Department of Environmental Protection
- Ad Hoc Conspiracy to draft L. Neil Smith Site and network of people dedicated to drafting L. Neil Smith for U.S. President on the Libertarian ticket
- DORway to Discovery -- Say No to Aspartame Everything you should know about aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet) but didn't know to ask
- The NOTMilk Homepage Milk is a bad-news substance
- Mad Cows and MILKGATE Shocking facts about beef and dairy products
- Anti-Racist Action, South Bend, IN Webpage for ARA South Bend, Indiana chapter, which combats racism, sexism, and anti-gay prejudice through education and direct action
- The War Party Listing of Americans and institutions who favor small wars and preparation for wars--big media, Congressmen, think tanks, military industrial complex
- Issues & Views So you still believe that all blacks think alike? Reporting from the frontline of dissent since 1985
- Voters for None of the Above Non-partisan organization dedicated to enacting Voter Consent Laws, placing None of the Above on the ballot
- E.R.A. European Regional Affairs ~ European & UK Research Links to key UK and EU websites, including those on EU urban policy and UK devolution
- David Wyatt for Pres! The Official Write in Candidate with commonsense!``20 years and going strong.
- Cafe Underground Encouragement, support, resources, tools and entertainment for social and environmental activists. Detective novels, gourmet recipies and much more
- The Constitution and Truthseeking The Constitution is driven by the power of logic. Our rights and responsibilities are derived from (applied) logic
- Feminocracy There is a fine line between feminism and child abuse. This article uses the holocaust analogy to describe the ravaging of America's children
- Impeach Judge Braslow A site urging the impeachment of New York Family Court Judge Ingrid S. Braslow
- Patrick's Site contains political discussion boards, news, information, polls, and more
- BORN LIBERAL's Political Site Political message board, references, global news, journals, polls, search engines. No registration, or affiliation necessary.
- Joe Bellis for President
- Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn Brooklyn's lesbian and gay political voice
- A-albionic Research Archive Articles, Book/Back Issue Catalogs, Ruling Class/Conspiracy Research Resources, ``Intelligence DataBases, Quarterly Journal,``Subscription & Ordering Instructions. Current Working Hypothesis: 'The Overt and Covert Organs of the Vatican and British Empires are Locked in Mortal Combat for Control of the World'
- Aspartame consumption is never safe
- A web site dedicated to promoting the original meaning of the United States Constitution
- The People's Decade of Human Rights Education A site dedicated to human rights learning for social and economic change ... weaving a new political culture based on human rights
- Upstate Liberty Dedicated to the creation of the 51st state, West New York
- The Liberty Paradigm
- Christianity & Libertarianism Essays and links to information concerning the political and religious philosophy of Christian libertarians
- DV8R's Web Rebel Base Camp The web-based network that helps independent thinkers find resources, info, and links to other activists
- Senator John McCain for President 2000!! McCain grassroots site with campaign updates, issues positions, and more
- Taxpayers League of Minnesota The Taxpayers League is Minnesota's nonprofit, nonpartisan taxpayers' advocacy group
- im4america Conservative issues and links to encourage civic envolvement -- conservative issues that are key to sustaining the American Dream.
- American Centrist Coalition Site contains a brief overview of problems with liberalism and conservatism
- Exhibits on the Challenges of Freedom Site devoted to the promotion of liberty and personal responsibility through Libertarianism
- Greater Things Includes scripture-based opinions on current events for the preservation of freedom, sustaining the Constitution and exposing the conspiracy against it
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